What are the Steps to Register a Mainland Company in the UAE?

What are the Steps to Register a Mainland Company in the UAE?

Blog Article

Registering a mainland company in the UAE involves several essential steps to ensure full compliance with local regulations. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you navigate this process seamlessly with the expertise of ProSmart Business.

1. Choose a Business Activity

The first step is to decide on the business activity you wish to undertake. This decision will determine the type of license required and the approvals needed. The Department of Economic Development (DED) in Dubai has a list of over 2,000 permissible activities, so you can find one that best suits your business plan.

2. Obtain Initial Approval

Next, you need to secure initial approval from the DED. This step involves submitting an application form along with copies of shareholders’ passports and a brief description of the proposed business activities. Initial approval indicates that the UAE government has no objections to your business setup.

3. Reserve a Trade Name

Choosing a unique trade name is crucial for your business identity. The trade name must comply with the DED's naming guidelines, which prohibit offensive language and references to religious or political groups. Once chosen, you can reserve the name by submitting an application to the DED.

4. Prepare Legal Documents

Drafting the Memorandum of Association (MOA) is a vital step. The MOA outlines the company’s operational framework and includes details such as business activities, capital investment, and the distribution of profits. It must be signed by all shareholders in the presence of a notary.

5. Secure a Physical Office Space

A mainland company in the UAE is required to have a physical office. ProSmart Business can assist you in finding a suitable office space that meets regulatory requirements and is strategically located to enhance your business operations.

6. Apply for Relevant Licenses

Depending on your business activity, you may need additional approvals from specific government bodies. For example, if you are setting up a healthcare business, you’ll need approval from the Ministry of Health. ProSmart Business ensures that you obtain all necessary licenses for your business activity.

7. Submit Documents for Final Approval

Once all documents are prepared and approvals are obtained, submit them to the DED for final approval. This includes the MOA, initial approval certificate, trade name reservation certificate, and tenancy contract for your office space.

8. Register with the Ministry of Labor and General Authority for Pension and Social Security

Finally, register your company with the Ministry of Labor to be eligible to hire employees. Additionally, registration with the General Authority for Pension and Social Security is mandatory for companies employing UAE nationals.

By partnering with ProSmart Business, you can navigate each of these steps with ease. Our comprehensive mainland company formation services in the UAE ensure a smooth and efficient registration process, allowing you to focus on growing your business.

For detailed assistance, visit ProSmart Business.

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